Health, bioethics and democracy

By the conjugation of academic and professional knowledge with those of informal and practical order in the domains of the biomedicine and public health,

By taking into account the dynamics between technical situations and moral tensions,

By a consideration of consumers and recipients of medical knowledges and actions as carriers of yearnings and actors of individual decisions and societal orientations,

This workshop’s incitement comes from the will to compare alternative initiatives and of a support to the emergence of common general diagnosis on the prospect of a sanitary democracy.

Coordination: Association Française des Petits Débrouillards

Contact: Adeline Neron (, AFPD)

Partners: Université d’El-Manar (Tunisia), Association de didactique des sciences de la vie et de la terre (Tunisia), Association La Maison du diabète (Tunisia), Association Environnement et citoyenneté (Tunisia), Institut supérieur des sciences infirmières de Tunis (Tunisia), École supérieure des sciences et techniques de la santé de Tunis (Tunisia), FesVie (Cameroun), CancerContribution (France)

Disponible en / Available in: French, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil)

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