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Remembering Vinod Raina

Amit Sengupta, September 25,2013 ( Forty years back a young scholar with a fresh PhD in Physics from Delhi University took a train to Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh. It was to be a turning point in the life of Vinod Raina, for this short train journey was to transform him into a lifetime social activist, […]

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Cancer claims educationist-activist Vinod Raina (The Hindu, September 13, 2013)

Vinod Raina a été emporté par un cancer le 10 septembre 2013 après quatre années de lutte contre la maladie. Vinod était un ami et un militant exemplaire. Il s’était impliqué avec l’AIPSN dans le processus du FMSD depuis son origine. Educationist Vinod Raina, who died of cancer here on Thursday, was one of […]

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